Us in a Minute

Inspired. Intelligent. Innovative.


InspCorp is a research-based technology transfer startup led by a team of Engineers and Environmental Specialists that are committed to the development of difference-making technologies in Energy and Food Security, Environmental Conservation and Economic Revitalisation. 

Our team integrates focused research with inspired innovation to create problem-oriented technological solutions and projects that address critical social, environmental and economic themes, both in Kenya and the world at large. 

InspCorp is not only a research-based company but also faith driven. We draw our passion from Divine Inspiration.


We are Dedicated to impacting our community

Here at InspCorp, we believe in changing the world locally by first positively influencing the lives of every member of our dear community. As a Start-Up, we hope to engage each person within Likoni Suburb by offering them a chance to not only discover just what we are up to but also nurture their talents. And yeah, we also have fun while at it. We call these InspCorp community events and we have something particularly interesting to kick the show off with this year…

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we create inspired innovations

The Energy and Waste Management sector in Kenya has loads of potential. We look at every challenge in the scene as an opportunity and every ounce of waste as a diamond in a sea of other diamonds. The InspCorp ThinkTank is inspired and motivated towards phasing out impossibilities. Discover our three fronts of innovations:  Projects, Research and Solutions.

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Are you an investor? We have exciting projects based on groundbreaking innovations from our ThinkTank. We believe in them, and we know you will too.



New ideas are the soul of InspCorp. Take some time to explore what problems our team of Engineers and Environmental Scientists are currently investigating.



We have some of the most innovative minds ready to offer you unique solutions. If you are a company or just an individual with a problem in our field, we’d love to help.




 client investor researcher

Our Vision

To touch 1 billion souls by Nishmat Yahweh

Our mission

To make Yahweh known among the nations through inspired innovation and technology that impacts our community and changes the world.

Our Passion

Lifting up souls through Inspired Innovations


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ליהוה המלחמה

InspCorp is an amalgam of the phrase Inspirus Corporation. The company logo features Zechariah 4:6 and 1 Samuel 17:47 verses inscribed in Hebrew. These underline the company’s motto: Not by might and not by power, for the battle is the LORD’S.

Our passion is based on our faith, that nothing is impossible through the inspiration of Yahweh Tzevaoth. We believe that through inspired thinking, we will be able to develop extraordinary solutions to some of the most complex problems facing humankind. It is our firm conviction that knowledge founded on inspiration is revolutionary. Science and Engineering are our tools to channel divine inspiration into the sphere of problem-solving and revolutionary thinking.  

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connect with us

InspCorp House,  Shelly Beach Road, Likoni.



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Behind Inspcorp

There is a dream behind InspCorp. In this section, we unmask the people carrying this vision

Featured co-founding members

Hope Mwanake is a diligent, strategically-thinking and result-oriented Environmental Scientist who has over 10 years of experience in social enterprise, project management, environmental management and sustainable development.


Mwanake (PhD-c)


Farouk Omar is a Chemical and Process Engineer with over 5 years of experience in Water  Engineering. He is a specialist in a wide range of Water Treatment technologies and Waste Water treatment processes, their design, implementation and optimisation.

Farouk Omar           (B. Eng)


take a minute to learn more about our team

At InspCorp, we have a rich bank of the top and most inspired minds in Environmental Science and Chemical Engineering. This ThinkTank is the core of InspCorp.

What do we offer?

Our focus is on Water Treatment, Alternative energy and the Environment. We are intent in creating new energy resources through the conversion of waste in addition to improving, innovating and provide dynamic solutions to existing renewable energy sources.

We are passionate about Water, Renewable Energy and all kinds of waste

We believe that Renewable Energy and Wastes as energy sources are the nexus between Energy Security, Environmental Conservation and Economic opportunities.

InspCorp’s ThinkTank is devoted to proving our assertion true by exploring the most innovative ways of placing Renewable Energy into your home and industry in addition to turning your trash into your most valuable resource.

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In short, we are working on bringing the circular economy back from the sci-fi future into our world today. Yes, we believe that a zero wastes reality is possible and that is why renewable energy and waste to energy technologies are the core of our existence.

We’d love for you to be part of our dream. Whether you are a researcher, investor or a company with the same heart as ours, we have opportunities for you to partner with us in realising a circular economy not only in Kenya but in the world at large.

Yes, we believe that a zero wastes reality is possible


 If you are keen on details and have an interest in Environmental and Energy based research, we would love to share

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There is always an economic incentive to a great idea. Tap the economic potential behind our groundbreaking innovations

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Have the most innovative minds at your disposal. InspCorp believes in creative solutions, we’d love to assist you in finding the right one

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You don’t have to be a Researcher, an Investor or a Client to share in our dream. If you are from around, we’d love to connect with you

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We have the best minds in the industry

InspCorp convenes to share ideas and to develop them, taking advantage of its broad spectrum of specialised knowledge to tailor Environmental and Energy solutions that are not only innovative but also practical, sustainable and economically viable.

meet our thinktank

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.


Where We Are


InspCorp House,  Shelly Beach Rd

P.O.Box 85663-80100


Want to connect?

We would love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out to us through any of the highlighted channels above that is most convenient for you. Or simply fill out our contact form here.






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