Giving back to our roots
For us at InspCorp, we believe that changing the world begins with a local move of sincerity. We are the community and the community is within us. As we aspire to make a global impact, we can never be oblivious of the fact that the world begins with the people next to us. In this spirit, InspCorp is proud to walk its start up journey with a deeply entrenched community engagement policy that is part of the very core of who we are.
If you would like to take a peek at our upcoming Community Events including our Featured Event, click on the links below. Otherwise, we invite you to indulge us as we unpack our Community Engagement policy in next few sections.
If you are from Likoni town then we would love for you to engage with us. Register with us today to be part of our next event!
Changing the world locally
If we are to change the world, then right at our roots is the best place to start. We have three points of focus when it comes to how we would like to impact our local community.
How best to impact a community if not through its social fabric? Our Creative Fun approach is aimed at building neighbourly social ties and nurturing young talent through sporting activities and lively interactions.
One of the core pillars of our community engagement policy is upgrading economic standards of our local community through direct employment and by extension the creation of economic opportunities.
There is no better gift for the latter generations than a well kept world. We aim to instill our passion and drive for environmental conservation into the local community through partnership that will foster a culture of environmental awareness
To ensure that we stay on target with our three points of focus, we have unveiled an elaborate strategy upon which our community engagement policy is based.
Knowledge is power. Our aim is to increase the capacity of members of the community through strategic training on managing of natural resources and the environment. In addition, empowering young sporting talent through nurturing and competition.
Changing the world locally starts with every person within the community. Engagement, to us, means unpacking our vision to the community and partnering with every willing person to ensure its fruition.
Can one Start Up can’t employ everyone? Of course not. Yet we believe that employment is the terminal end of the long stick of opportunity creation. We believe that behind every idea lie infinite economic possibilities.
Creative fun
Fun is a very important social tool and highly indispensable when it comes to nurturing young talents. InspCorp is dedicated to utilising this versatile tool to rekindle the hopes and dreams of the youth of Likoni suburb.
Creative fun
Creative Fun is one of the underlying themes of our community event. So what is it really? We offer this as an opportunity that is appealing to young minds for a chance to engage in activities that bring excitement to their lives and sparks their creative talents. InspCorp believes that there is a joy and a talent in every young person that has the potential to build up within them a strong and responsible community leader. And that is the heart and soul of our community engagement strategy.
Upcoming events
A glimpse into the future…by the grace of Yahweh Tzevaoth
Is Our featured event!
Tennis and The Tree will be our very first community event. If you live in Likoni suburb in Mombasa county, then we’d love to have you there. We will be unveiling our dream and vision for our local community in addition to building up the youth with with dynamic swings of the Tennis Racquet and painting the town green with Moringa trees!
Tennis and The Trees will be our very first community event!
moringa olifera (miracle tree)
1. climate change mitigaiton
An adult human produces 320 kg of CO2/yr. A study on the potential of Moringa Trees to reduce GHGs reveals that it takes 2 Moringa Trees 2 years to absorb that amount of CO2 compared to the 50 years 23 Japanese Cedar trees usually take to absorb the same amount!
2. medicinal
This Miracle Tree is the only 1 tree that can cure more than 300 diseases! In addition, its ability as high-capacity flocculant enables it to reduce water turbidity and clear surface water from up to 90-99% pathogens.
3. nutritional
Moringa leaves have 4 times more Vitamin A than carrots, 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges, 4 times more Calcium than Cow’s Milk, 4 times more Potassium than Bananas and 4 times more protein than Cow’s milk. Now isn’t that a super-food or what?

event overview
tennis and the tree
whats it all about?
Tennis And The Trees will be our very first community event and is bound to be special. So what will it be about? Well, the whole the theme of this event was motivated by the discovery of the amazing tree often dubbed as the miracle tree-Moringa Olifera. Not only is it the most nutritious plant on the planet, but the Moringa Tree-also known as the Drumstick Tree- is also extraordinarily fast-growing, drought and pest resistant making it the perfect and easiest forest cover that triples as a carbon store for the mitigation of climate change, a water catchment area and and water treatment agent in addition to being a food that could potentially solve global food security and malnutrition crises.
So with our first community event, InspCorp aims to put this Miracle Tree in every back yard in Likoni! And what could be a more inspired way of achieving this than an event where the local youth participate in planting a miracle forest and new sporting talents are discovered? In a simple definition, Tennis And The Trees will be a tree planting fest that will be wrapped in the creative fun of free Tennis training and the exciting thrill of a championship competition. Yes, you read that right. InspCorp will offer free tennis training to all the youths that will be part of Tennis And The Trees and our Moringa tree planting expedition.
And that’s not all. The whole event will climax with an exciting Tennis competition-the Moringa Tree Open-where the youth will get to show case the skills they picked up during the training and of course the winner will get to brandish their glory by wielding the ‘Moringa Cup’.
Through our Tennis and The Tree community event, we aim to plant at least 300 Moringa Trees which will able to absorb 24 tonnes of CO2 annually, provide nutrition and health for 300 families and greatly beautify the scenery in Likoni town. We’d really love for you to be part of this awesome and world changing event!
“Tennis And The Tree will be a tree planting fest that will be wrapped in the creative fun of free Tennis training and the exciting thrill of a championship competition.”
- 300 + Trees Planted
- Food Security for 300 families
- 24 Tonnes/yr of CO2 absorbed
- Nurturing Sporting Talent
- Nutrition and Diet
Learn More the minds behind it all
event team leaders
billy mwanake
youth tennis player
Billy Mwanake is a youth tennis player and runners up in the Mombasa Tennis Championship. Recently graduated from high school, this young man just can’t sit still and relax. He hopes to impact his fellow youth into pursuing their sporting talent by coaching them on how to play Tennis and the noble art of Tree planting.
nickson mwanake
inspcorp ceo
Mr. Nickson Mwanake is InspCorp’s ThinkTank team leader aand also doubles as the Founder and CEO. He draws on the team’s inspired ideas and passion to create innovations that provide solutions to critical global issues. In this event, Nick was very enthusiastic to partner with Billy to bring the Miracle Tree and Tennis to the Likoni Community.
event Schedule
All Times and Dates are according to the local timezone (EAT, +3.00 hrs).
all kinds of training
InspCorp House, Likoni, Mombasa
moringa expedition
Likoni, Mombasa
Likoni, Mombasa
More Info
free tennis training
Join us for free Tennis training and discover your hidden talents. If you are a youth based in Likoni then this is your chance to discover new horizons. Who knows, you might be the next big thing in the Kenyan Tennis Scene!
The training sessions will be offered by Mr. Billy Mwanake. Billy, a self taught player, represented Allidina Visram in Mombasa Tennis Open where he won silver as the runner up champion.
Now who best to learn from, huh? If you are anywhere between the ages of 10 -18 this would be the perfect opportunity to learn from the master.
Be part of a green future
Tennis and The Tree is all about Tennis and the Moringa Tree. In this community event, you will get to partner with us in our vision of a Likoni painted green with the Miracle Tree.
We believe that by planting at least 300 Moringa Trees, the Likoni community will have 300 families saved from the risk of malnutrition. In addition, our dear suburb will be 300 trees more beautiful and even more so, would have contributed the global effort to mitigate climate change by ensuring there will be 24 tonnes less CO2 in earth’s atmosphere annually.
Make a difference! Share with InspCorp’s vision for the Likoni community at Tennis and The Tree and be part of the only legacy in the world that can paint a town green with a Tennis Racquet!
seize your moment
Show off your new tennis skills at the Moringa Tree Open for a chance to taste ultimate victory and clinch the glorious Moringa Cup! If you’ve always wanted to be a champion then this is your opportunity.
In addition, we will also be rewarding those who have shown remarkable and noteworthy tree planting skills including the most trees planted and the Moringa trees that show the best progress after planting.
Whether you are the next Rodger Federer or Wangari Maathai, this is indeed your time to shine, show up at Tennis and The Tree and seize your moment!
join us
take part in our event
You and Us are the Community
how to be part of our upcoming community event
Yup, it can’t get much simpler! To be part of our upcoming community event, you only need two things. First, to be close by Likoni suburb on the day of the event and secondly, just a few mins of filling up our sign up form. If you are a local Likoni resident then we would be delighted to have you there to help us change the world locally!
If you wish to be included in the Free Tennis Training program, please indicate so in the Special Instructions Section and add your name and age too.
sign up for tennis and the trees